JCL 1 - Introduction to JCL

It is a script language that is used on mainframe operating systems to instruct the system on how to run a batch jobs.

Important Usages of JCL

  1. It can compile both batch & online programs
  2. Integrating the programs
  3. We can pass large volume of data from one program to another program
  4. JCL can create or delete the Datasets
  5. Can organize data in either ascending or descending order.
  6. Copy records from one data set to another data set
  7. It can filter the records, change report layout, Send an report to a printer.
  8. Transfer a data from one system to another System.Ex: From Mainframe system to Unix System.
 Any batch process consists of main task, each main task is divided into sub tasks.
Sub task divided into DD (Data Sets)
In a Simple way
  • Main Task -> JOB
  • SUB Task -> EXEC
  • Data sets -> DD

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